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HylaFax and changing mail attachment format ?


I'm working with SuSE Linux 5.1 and HylaFAX Faxserver Version 4,
and using WHFC as WIN-95 client.I have the following question.

How could I change the E-Mail attachment format when forwarding
incoming fax to a user via FaxDispatch from the Postscript (PS)
format to TIFF ? Because it's easier to open a TIFF file on the WIN/95
client with a graphic prog.
I figured out that the original incoming format is TIFF.
But when forwarding to a user via SENDMAIL it's changed to the PS

I think I have to change one of the scripts in:
/var/spool/fax/bin/FAXRCVD or

But I'm not so familar with script (SENDMAIL) programming.
Also I didn't find any informations about this problem.
I'm sure that there is anybody out there who has had the same
problem.May be somebody can send me some informations or
a little better an example FAXRCVD script where this is allready done.

Thanks in advance and best regards,
Lothar Lehr
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