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Re: FIFO problmes


On Fri, 23 Jan 1998, Neil wrote:

> Hi,
> 	Hylafax V4.0p11
> 	FreeBSD
> 	4 * USR Modems (2ext 2int)
> I have installed (as suggested) the version 4 software, and am even furhter back than before.
> Having compiled, installed and run faxsetup. I have run faxaddmodedm 
> for each modem, all of which are correctly identified (2 ext USR Flash 56K
> and 2Int Sportster V34+ FAX ) and have followed the default settings. 
> Rerunning faxsetup, kills the currently running hfaxd and once prompted restarts, running
> faxmodem for each of the 4 modemds.

Based on SunOS and some Linux experience, this is a good
start. Sportsters's have had a lot of reported problems here, which
may be the modems or the HylaFAX configurations for them. But many V34
Sportsters have a known flow-control bug, which USR doesn't like
to talk about, depending on when they were manufactured (which is why
they were selling so cheap!)

> faxstat only shows cuaa0 and cuaa1 (the other 2 modems are cuaa3 and cuaa4 and
> all modems can be contacted by cu and by faxaddmodem.) and perpetually says
> "Waiting for modem to come ready"

Wait a sec. On a PC, you only have 2 interrupts assigned for COM[1-4],
where COM1=COM3 and COM2=COM4. This means that without extra hardware,
you can only run 2 modems.

Try using something like "kermit" or "tip" to talk to all the modem
ports.  Also, I don't know about FreeBSD, but under Linux and SunOS
you should use the /dev/tty*, not the /dev/cu* ports. It's too easy
to get confused about getty's running on the /dev/tty* ports, and
HylaFAX will correctly deal with using the same ports.

> I have also completely removed the /var/spool/fax directory
> and installed again from scracth killing the faxq processes before running faxsetup

Umm. Did you leave anything running from "inetd" for the modems, or
from the FreeBSD version of "init" and "gettytab"?

> The faxsetup process runs clearly then runs the subprocess for faxaddmodem
> which when checking the speed claims the modem has hung, but 
> correctly identifies the modem a few lines later. It sets the speed to 
> 38400 though, and later sets the DTE-DCE to 19200 ???

The "this modem has hung" is a spurious message as the faxaddmodem goes through
a list of modem speeds. I wonder why it is setting 19200? Maybe it's just
using that for fax transmission, which is fine (a lot of modems really
operate much better for fax at that speed, including PPI which I usually
work with).

> Ignoring the other modems for this installation, the ffaxsetup finally runs 
> faxmodem for cuaa0 and exits, but faxstat says only that the server is running.

Well, you don't have a faxgetty running, I guess. That should be run
from your system's version of ttytab.

> P.S. How do you actually view the state of the queue now with V4 under 
> V3 faxq showed the queue status, now it just fires another server..

"faxstat -rs"

			Nico Garcia
			Engineer, CIRL 
			Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary

Version: 2.6.2


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