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How to make a fax-on-demand

Hi !

I'am a new user of the fantastic HylaFAX-Programm, so first a Hello to

Now to my Problem: Faxing ist all right, but how do I access a
Fax-on-demand-server (well, i think it is called fax-on-demand, the
german word is 'Faxabruf').

As Frontend I do use tkhylafax, whcl and SuSE's susefax (a java-based
frontend, I do like that best).



Thomas Wimmer			 | When you're in a fight with an idiot, 
wimmer@technologist.com		 | it's difficult for other people 
thomas@lcars.wh.uni-stuttgart.de | to tell which one the idiot is.

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