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sendpage+hfaxd, SNPP DATA broken? (4.0pl1 Sol2.5binary)


	Just picked up HylaFax 4.0pl1 (Solaris 2.5, binary dist
	from SGI) and have installed.  Fax features work great,
	but I'm having minor problems w/Alpha paging:
	sendpage works great when you specify the message in the
	command line.  Specifying the message via STDIN fails - the
	read never completes.

	It appears that the MESS command is AOK, but the DATA command
	hangs in this distribution.  

telnet localhost 444
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 palantir.memphis.edu SNPP server (HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.0pl1)
login XX
230 User XX logged in.
page frohme
250 Pager ID accepted; provider: 9,XXXXXXX pin: XXXXXXX jobid: 35.
354 Begin message input; end with <CRLF>'.'<CRLF>.
Test message
Line #2

	No amount of cajoling, pleading, encoding, etc seems to get the read
	to finish - aborting the telnet session is the only way out.  When
	done via sendpage with the -v option, the only difference seems
	to be that the system knows the data is there (the file is 134
	bytes long)...

%> sendpage -v -p frohme < week


250 Pager ID accepted; provider: XXXXXXX pin: XXXXXXX jobid: 36.
destination pin frohme: request id is 36 for host localhost
SEND message data, 134 bytes
354 Begin message input; end with <CRLF>'.'<CRLF>.
-> .

(^C to abort)

	The jobs never appear in the queue, but the job id does
	increment. Any known issues surrounding this behavior?

	I've tried without much luck to get a SessionTrace on
	this problem - no log file ever appears in logs/. Not
	sure what I'm missing there.
	Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions you might
	have - even for getting a detailed log for isolating the

Mike Frohme                                     frohme@memphis.edu
Information Systems - The University of Memphis       901/678-8820

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