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Re: Re: Problems with MPS (more pages, same document)

On Fri, 10 Oct 1997, Steven Freed wrote:


I would also like to know what to do to ignore the NACK. I put in
the Class2DCCQueryCmd line recommended by someone else, but it
doesn't help. Now the remote fax now drops the line. Not better 
at all...


> In your reply to this, you said:
>    This is because a RTN is sent from the receiving side.
>    We have seen this before for some fax machines. Ricoh FAX1700L
>    is one of them. Our work around is to ignore the nack and assume
>    it is ok !
> What did you do to "ignore the nack"? We are having this same problem, we
> have a Zyxel 1496 and it only happens when connecting to a few fax
> machines. I have the lastest firmware from Zyxel, and I am pretty sure it
> is not an ECM problem since we do have the line
>    Class2DCCQueryCmd:     "!(0,1),(0-5),(0-2),(0-2),(0,1),(0),(0),(0-7)"
> in our config file and if I take it out we have bad problems to almost
> every machine we connect to.
> Does anyone out there use a US Robotics Courier V.everything for faxing?
> How well does it work? Better than the Zyxels?
> Thanks,
> Steven.

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