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whfc problem


I have troubles with the whfc Windows 95 Client.
Everything worked but when I had to change my
IP addresses whfc started making troubles.

Whfc is not able to connect properly to the Hylafax
Server. It says "Connected to..." for a while
then a popup window opens showing the message:
"aragorn.bdt-networks.com server (HylaFax (tm) Version 4.0pl1 ready)"
after that another msg comes up saying user xyz logged in.
But I never get a status of the jobs or what ever.

I tried it with telnet on port 4559 and everything seems
to be ok. 

I am rather sure that the problem can't be on the windows side
since windows has been installed from scratch.

Any ideas???

Ekkehard Burkon    | Email:     burkon@pollux.edv.agrar.tu-muenchen.de
Ismaninger Str. 28 | Phone:     +49-8161-871616
85356 Freising     | BBS & Fax: +49-8161-871617 
                   | Mobil:     +49-171-2724452 
URL: http://www.edv.agrar.tu-muenchen.de/cip/burkon.php

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