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Increase job time


I am running Hylafax Ver4.0 pl1 on a linux machine (Slackware 2.00)

I have a problem when sending .tif or .ps files. I think it's because when the file is translated to fax format it takes a long time (too long) and then I recieve a message: "Job time limit exceeded"

How can I change the parameter to add more time to this process?

Thank you for your speedy reply
| Dror Ben-Shlomo - Unix Administrator                     |
| email:          dror@sela.co.il                          |
| address:        Dror Ben-Shlomo, Sela LTD.               |
|                 10 Ha-Kishon St., Bnei Brak 51203 Israel |
| phone:          +972-3-6190999                           |
| fax:            +972-3-6190992                           |

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