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FIX for the PAGEWIDTH (Pixelsize) Problem

in the PS2FAX file, modify the last portion of the script which tosses the
file off to Ghostscript as follows:

Change the first line of this from: 

	$CAT $fil | $PS -q \

	$CAT $fil | $SED -e 's/dup \/PageSize \[612 792\] put//g' | $PS -q \

This removes the pagesize info from the postscript file, and all seems to
work fine thereafter.

NOTE:  This works on OUR system which is Linux kernel 2.0.29, HylaFAX
4.0pl1, WHFC client .3e.  We take no responsibility if this sends obnoxious
X-Rated faxes to the White House or other such nonsense.


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