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Where is SuseFAX

A few days ago, I have  read  in the mailing liste that you wrote a
in JAVA called SuseFAX, in order to view received faxes.

Could you tell me if the sources are available, and if there are, where
can I download them.

I'have searched at ftp.suse.com (whitout success) and I've read the
http://www.suse.de/ and
/~bb/, but I didn't see any information for this.

What is rpm-packed?

Sorry for my bad english, but it is not my birth language!

Thanks in advance for any response.


Alexandre CARRAUSSE - Stagiaire DSI
FAST INFORMATIQUE - 51, Av. de Cornebarrieu - 31700 BLAGNAC cedex - FRANCE
Tel: +  -  Fax: +
mailto:acarrausse@fast.fr           http://www.siera.ups-tlse.fr/~carrauss

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