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Re: Problems with HylaFax 4.0pl1 on Solaris 2.5.1

Nico Garcia <raoul@cirl.meei.harvard.edu> writes:

| Let me suggest that you delete what is currently in $SPOOLDIR/dev, run
| hfaxd by hand with the "hfaxd -d" option, and see what you get. If
| that doesn't work, then use trace or strace on "hfaxd -d" to see
| what you get and where it breaks.

If I do this, I get the same result as I got the first time.  dev/tcp
and dev/null is made, but the open of dev/tcp fails.  What I can't
understand, is that it works when I loopback mount /dev and /devices
into the spool-directory, and doesn't work if I copy the device
entries from /dev and /devices using cp -a, tar or ufsdump.

But, as long as it works with loopback mounting, it's ok with me.

Now I have another problem.

It looks like faxsend isn't able to talk to the modem.  Here is a
system-call trace of the faxsend process:

8962:   open("/dev/cua/a", 04006)                       = 4
8962:   fcntl(4, F_GETFL, 0x00000000)                   = 6
8962:   ioctl(4, I_FIND, "sockmod")                     = 0
8962:   ioctl(4, I_FIND, "sockmod")                     = 0
8962:   fcntl(4, F_SETFL, 0x00000002)                   = 0
8962:   fstat(4, 0xEFFFEFD0)                            = 0
8962:   fchown(4, 5, 5)                                 = 0
8962:   fchmod(4, 0600)                                 = 0
8962:   seteuid(0)                                      = 0
8962:   ioctl(4, TCGETS, 0xEFFFF030)                    = 0
8962:   ioctl(4, TCGETX, 0xEFFFF020)                    Err#22 EINVAL
8962:   ioctl(4, TCSETS, 0xEFFFF030)                    = 0
8962:   ioctl(4, TCFLSH, 0)                             = 0
8962:   write(4, " A T E 0 V 1 Q 0 S 0 = 0".., 14)      = 14
8962:   write(4, "\r", 1)                               = 1
8962:   sigaction(SIGALRM, 0xEFFFED18, 0x00000000)      = 0
8962:   setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, 0xEFFFED98, 0x00000000)  = 0
8962:   read(4, 0x0007E464, 1024)       (sleeping...)
8962:       Received signal #14, SIGALRM, in read() [caught]
8962:   read(4, 0x0007E464, 1024)                       Err#4 EINTR
8962:   setcontext(0xEFFFEBF8)
8962:   setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, 0x0006EF30, 0x00000000)  = 0
8962:   ioctl(4, TIOCMBIC, 0xEFFFF054)                  = 0
8962:   poll(0xEFFFD060, 0, 2600)       (sleeping...)
8962:   poll(0xEFFFD060, 0, 2600)                       = 0
8962:   ioctl(4, TIOCMBIS, 0xEFFFF054)                  = 0
8962:   close(4)                        (sleeping...)

And then it hangs.

If I use kermit, and issue the command 'ATE0V1Q0S0=0', I get the
responce 'OK', but it looks like faxsend never get's this responce.

Any ideas?

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