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Re: anyone gotten 'sfax' to work with hylafax 4.0pl1?


On Sat, 5 Jul 1997, Donald Burr wrote:

> Unfortunately, this package does not seem to work right with hylafax
> 4.0pl1.  When I send a fax using sfax, it seems to work -- no error
> messages are displayed, etc.  However, the fax that is sent looks
> weird: it contains *two* cover pages, and only one of them is filled
> in with the correct information (recipient name, etc.)

What? I added some tweaks to sfax to modify the generation of coverpages
so you can easily read the command lines associated with it and preview
them by just leaving the files in place instead of deleting them at the end:

Compare this one with the version you have:

   # $Id: sfax,v 1.12 1995/09/15 17:00:21 kenh Exp $
   # sfax - cheap command-line front end to HylaFAX

   # The following three fields will probably have to be changed for your site

   $faxcover='faxcover';				# location of faxcover binary
   $sendfax='sendfax';				# location of sendfax binary
   $sendmail='/usr/lib/sendmail -t';		# mail program
   $faxform='/usr/local/lib/FAXform';		# location of form file
   $faxcopy='3704';				# local fax for duplication

   %faxheaders = ('FaxTo:','faxto','FaxNumber:','faxnumber','FaxCompany:',

   (($fromname, $homedir) = (getpwuid($<))[6,7]) ||
	   die "Who the hell are you??\n";

   $fromname =~ s/,.*$//;		# Edit out other user info in GCOS field

   $SIG{'INT'} = 'sigabort';
   $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'sigabort';
   $SIG{'TERM'} = 'sigabort';


   # Check to see if the person has a "dead fax" file, and ask if they want to
   # use that instead

   if (-r "$homedir/dead.fax") {
	   $q = &response("$homedir/dead.fax exists - load that instead?",'y');
	   if ($q =~ /^[Yy]/) {
		   system("mv $homedir/dead.fax $tmpfile");
	   } else {
		   system("cp $faxform $tmpfile");
   } else {
	   system("cp $faxform $tmpfile");

   if ($?) {
	   die "Could not copy FAXform to temporary file\n"

   $editor = $ENV{'EDITOR'} || 'vi';
   system("$editor $tmpfile");


   &abort("No fax number specified") if ! $faxnumber;

   # Ask the user if they want to add files to the fax
   $fileq = &response("Append file(s) to fax?","n");

   if ($fileq =~ /^[Yy]/) {
	   print "\nPlease enter filenames below, one per line.\n";
	   print "Hit <return> on a blank to to exit.\n";

	   while(1) {
		   print "filename: ";
		   chop($file = <STDIN>);
		   last if ! $file;
		   if (! -e $file) {
			   $fileq = &response("File \"$file\" does not exist.  Add to fax list anyway?",'n');
			   if (! ($fileq =~ /^[Yy]/)) {
		   print "Adding file \"$file\" to fax list\n";


   # Verify everything
   print <<EOF;

   Sending the following fax:

	   Name of recipient: 	$faxto
	   Fax number:		$faxnumber
	   Recipient's company:	$faxcompany
	   Recipient's location:	$faxlocation
	   Subject of fax:		$faxsubject


   print "Cover page comments:\n\n$comment\n\n" if $comment;

   print "Text message included\n" if $faxtxt;

   print "Carbon copy will be e-mailed to: $carboncopy\n" if $carboncopy;
   print "\n";

   if (@filelist) {
	   print "Files to append to fax:\n\n";

	   foreach (@filelist) {
		   print "\t\t$_\n";

   $q = &response('Send this fax?','y');

   # Actually send the fax.  Build up an argument list and then call sendfax

   if ($q =~ /^[Yy]/) {

	   # Since we want to be able to only send a cover page, we call
	   # faxcover by hand

	   push(@faxcoverargs, '-x', $faxcompany) if $faxcompany;
	   push(@faxcoverargs, '-l', $faxlocation) if $faxlocation;
	   push(@faxcoverargs, '-r', $faxsubject) if $faxsubject;
	   push(@faxcoverargs, '-c', $comment) if $comment;
	   push(@faxcoverargs, '-t', "$faxto");
	   push(@faxcoverargs, '-f', "$fromname");
	   push(@faxcoverargs, '-n', "$faxnumber");

	   print "$faxcover @faxcoverargs \> $tmpfaxcover\n";

	   # Sigh.  I wish open() could take argument as lists and assign
	   # each element to argv[], like system() and exec() can.

	   open(COVEROUT, ">$tmpfaxcover") ||
		&abort("Could not open temporary file for cover page, aborting");

	   if (($pid = fork()) == 0) {
		   open(STDOUT, ">&COVEROUT");
		   exec($faxcover, @faxcoverargs);

	   waitpid($pid, 0);

	   if ($?) {
		   &abort("faxcover failed, fax was not sent");

	   push(@faxargs, '-n');
   #	push(@faxargs, '-d', "$faxcopy");
   #	push(@faxargs, '-a', "+2");
	   push(@faxargs, '-d', "$faxnumber");
	   push(@faxargs, '-m', '-D');
	   push(@faxargs, $tmpfaxcover);
	   push(@faxargs, $textfile) if $faxtxt;
	   push(@faxargs, @filelist);

	   print "$sendfax @faxargs\n";
	   if ($?) {
		   &abort("Sendfax failed, fax was not sent");
   } else {
	   &abort("Fax aborted");

   print "Fax queued successfully\n";

   # Carbon copy a user via e-mail, if so directed

   if ($carboncopy) {
	   if ($faxtxt) {
		   open(TMP,$textfile) ||
			   &abort("Could not open temp file for carbon copy");
	   open(MAIL,"|$sendmail") || die "Could not pipe to sendmail: $!\n";

	   print MAIL "To: $carboncopy\n";
	   print MAIL "Subject: Fax Message CC: $faxsubject\n" if $faxsubject;
	   print MAIL "\nSFax: Carbon copy from fax sent to ";
	   print MAIL "$faxto \@ " if $faxto;
	   print MAIL "$faxnumber\n";
	   if ($comment) {
		   print MAIL "SFax: Fax cover page comment:\n";
		   print MAIL "SFax:\t$comment\n";

	   if (@filelist) {
		   print MAIL "SFax: Files appended to fax:\n";
		   foreach (@filelist) {
			   print MAIL "SFax:\t$_\n";

	   print MAIL "\n";

	   if ($faxtxt) {
		   while(<TMP>) {
			   print MAIL;
		   close TMP;

	   close MAIL;

	   print "Carbon copy mailed to: $carboncopy\n";

   # Remove temp files and exit
   unlink($tmpfaxcover, $tmpfile, $textfile);


   # Parse a fax form template file
   sub parsefile {
	   local($filename) = shift @_;

	   open(FILE,$filename) || die "Could not open file $filename: $!\n";

   # This is icky

	   while(<FILE>) {
		   next if /^#/;
		   next if /^$/;
		   if (/^(\S+:)\s*(\S.*)?$/) {
			   if ($faxheaders{$1}) {
				   eval "\$$faxheaders{$1} = '$2';";
				   if ($1 eq "FaxCommentStart:") {
					   $faxcomment = 1;
				   } elsif ($1 eq "FaxCommentEnd:") {
			   } else {
				   &abort("Unknown header item: $1");
		   } elsif ($faxcomment) {
			   $comment .= $_ . ' ';
		   } else {
			   &abort("Bad template line: \"$_\"");

	   if ($faxend && !eof(FILE)) {
		   open(TMPFILE,">$textfile") ||
			   die "Cannot open temp file \"$textfile\": $!\n";
		   while(<FILE>) {
			   print TMPFILE;
		   close TMPFILE;
		   $faxtxt = 1;


   # Abort the fax - save a copy of the template and clean up

   sub abort {
	   local($message) = @_;

	   system("cp $tmpfile $homedir/dead.fax");
	   warn "$message\n";
	   warn "A copy of your fax template has been saved in $homedir/dead.fax\n";

   sub sigabort {
	   &abort("Received interrupt signal");

   # Ask a question, get a response, with optional default

   sub response {
	   local($text,$default,$nullok) = @_;

	   while(! $reply) {

		   print $text;
		   print " [$default]" if $default;
		   print " ";

		   if ($default && $reply eq '') {
			   $reply = $default;

	   return $reply;

Version: 2.6.2


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