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Re: Page Width..Still a problem


I have problems with "Page Width...", but the solution is not clear to me.
Here is the script part which defined the paper size

case "${pagewidth}x${pagelength}" in
1728x280|1728x279)              # 279.4mm is actually correct...
*x296|*x297)                    # more roundoff problems...
    echo "$0: Unsupported page size: $pagewidth x $pagelength";
    exit 254;;                  # causes document to be rejected

What should I change ?


* Uri Shkolnik - System Administrator            *
* Harmonic Lightwaves (Israel)                   *
* Tel: 972 6 6230150 Ext. 122   Fax: ~~ 6230151  *
* Email: uri@harmonic.co.il                      *

On Wed, 9 Apr 1997, Brian Walters wrote:

> >    Brian> A desperate plea...  Can some one please share any thing
> >    Brian> they've found on the Page width problem. I'm running GS
> >    Brian> 3.33 and I'm getting the 1728/1734 image error when sending
> >
> >    
> >The trick is to not send a Legal size document! If you set the page
> >size to A4, then it should work fine. Of course this may mean you have
> >to re-format the doc :( 
> >
> >If there is a better way, I'd like to know too.
> BULL HOCKEY!!! I've found the answer and would like to share it with the 
> group. I'm now using Alladin's GS 4.03 and simply setting 
> -sPAPERSIZE=legal in the ps2fax script. That's it folks. I need to work 
> on a script to dynamically change this between legal and letter, I don't 
> care about that right now. My client will be happy and I'm closer to 
> getting that smokin' 4 proccessor server for "home enjoyment"
> On a side note. I may be releasing Win95 fax client to the group soon, 
> but I could use a little help from a sharp Windoze programmer on printer 
> ports. 
> Share your knowledge! Everyone learns that way.
> Brian Walters<------------------------------------>macbnr@compassnet.com
>       "How many computers can one have before they become obsessed???"
> ________________________________Systems__________________________________
> PM6100w/dos   40mgs     1.5gigs       Mac7.5, Win3.x, Mklinux
> Amd586-133    32mgs     7.1gigs       RH 4.1, Win95/3.x, SCO 5, OS/2
> Alpha UDB 166 24mgs     3.2gigs       RedHat 4.1 Linux
> 486 dx100     16mgs    1.6gigs       RH 4.1 w/ HylaFax!!!
> _________________________________________________________________________
> http://www.compassnet.com/macbnr/bill_in_hell.php Joke about Bill Gates
>     http://www.compassnet.com/macbnr               My home page

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