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Error while reading gs_fonts.ps

I downloaded hylafax-sco3.2v5.0-v4.0pl1-cpio.gz from ftp.sgi.com.  I am able to send faxes if they are already tiff's.  The first time I installed the binary distribution I somehow installed a 3.53 version of ghostscript.  I would receive errors about fonts not being found when converting postscript documents with ps2fax.  I then read the INSTALL file and did find a few steps I missed.  So I reinstalled everything.  Now whenever gs is executed the following message is generated.  This happens when gs is executed by itself with or without parameters.  If any one can help me with this error I would appreciate any help.

gs version 2.6.2 (I received the binary distribution from ftp.sgi.com, and would not like to have to compile any new versions)
HylaFAX version 4.0pl1

While reading gs_fonts.ps:
Error: /undefinedfilename in --file--
Operand stack:
    ()  0  (/usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts/*)  (/usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts/*)  (r)
Execution stack:
    %interp_exit  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  false  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  %loop_continue  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts/*  /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts/*??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????    --nostringval--  %file_continue  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
    422/547  5/200  422/547
Current file position is 5532

Check any PostScript documents for non-standard fonts and invalid constructs.

    ---- Unsent job status ----

   Destination: 6357935
         JobID: 2
       GroupID: 2
        Sender: Superuser
      Mailaddr: root@SSCo3
Submitted From: localhost
    Page Width: 215 (mm)
   Page Length: 279 (mm)
    Resolution: 98 (lpi)
        Status: While reading gs_fonts.ps:
Error: /undefinedfilename in --file--
Operand stack:
    ()  0  (/usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts/*)  (/usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts/*)  (r)
Execution stack:
    %interp_exit  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  false  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  %loop_continue  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts/*  /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts/*??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????    --nostringval--  %file_continue  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
    422/547  5/200  422/547
Current file position is 5532

       Dialogs: 0 (exchanges with remote device)
         Dials: 0 (consecutive failed calls to destination)
         Calls: 0 (total phone calls placed)
         Pages: 0 (pages transmitted)
      TotPages: 0 (total pages to transmit)
      Attempts: 0 (attempts to send current page)
        Dirnum: 0 (directory of next page to send)

    ---- Documents submitted for transmission ----

The following documents were submitted for transmission and are
available on the server for reuse until they are automatically
purged when this job is removed.  Documents may also be manually
removed using the faxrm command; consult faxrm(1) for information.

Filename                 Size Type
docq/doc2.ps.2           7851 PostScript
	PS: Thanks to Tim Rice for his assistance with determining one problem was caused by third party serial drivers

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