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I just installed whfc on my workstation and tried to print to a HP UX 
Fax-server running hylafax 4.0pl1. If I try to look at the fax queue or send a 
fax I always get a error message saying:

": command error, expecting command token

I can't get rid of the error nor the window. I have to use the task manager to 
shut the whfc down.

Any Idea what I did wrong??


	STefan Mayer

- -- 
S Y S T O R   A G		Chief Technology Office / Research
Stefan Mayer
Dipl. Informatik-Ing. ETH	INET: stefan.mayer@systor.com
Aeschenvorstadt 56		Tel.: ++41 (0)61/228 53 80
4002 Basel			Fax.: ++41 (0)61/228 51 26

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