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Re: Problems with faxgetty and Linux

> While this is not directly related to Hylafax, I am confident that someone, 
> somewhere has run into the same problem. I am running hylafax-v4.0pl1 on a 
> Linux box which is currently at 2.1.27 in a RedHat (SysV) type environment.
> I start faxq and hfaxd via my rc.local and initially I was also starting 
> faxgetty as well. I noticed that whenever I would attempt to dial out with 
> PPP, instead of the modem listening for a data tone, it would do a fax tone. 
> So I would kill faxgetty, but unfortunately the modem would be set in a fax 
> mode, thus causing me to reboot (since I don't know the AT command to get it 
> back in data mode!).
> On the other hand, I have come to find that without faxgetty, my faxes will 
> queue until I start faxgetty. Unfortunately, once the faxes are sent, I can't 
> get the modem to call out with a data tone.
> So does anyone have a solution to this problem? Do I need another type of 
> "faxgetty" type program? Or am I doing something wrong with the way I set this 
> pup up... Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Simply put AT+FCLASS=0 into the start of the dial string for your PPP.  That
will set the fax do data mode, & you can run faxgetty all the time.  It works

	Steve Williams, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
	Genie Computer Systems Inc.

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